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I Love the Legend of Zelda

Ever Since Watching My Parents Play It...... I became addicted to it. Ocarina of Time was the most challenging game as a child, not for getting stuck at a certain point in the game, but because it seemed so challenging and I always needed strategy guides to complete it. Now, after getting the 3DS version, I aced the regular version no problem and completed Master Quest, first time ever with all heart containers and all gold skulltulas collected, no guide... thank the in-game map to show where missing skulltulas could be.. The game was frustrating, but the idea of time traveling just made myself smile. Don't like the challenges as an adult? Is that water temple SO annoying because I can't figure out the first thing to do other than find Ruto? Then I'll just go back in time and enjoy some time at the bomb-chu alley, or go fishing for a change! Good game.

Then came Majora's Mask. Epic. Number one. Not a doubt in my mind. However, for many years I feared the deku palace because I was afraid I'd be caught in the courtyard >.> Besides that, I loved the elements of the game. Running out of time, taking out the ocarina.. or bagpipes... or drums.... or guitar..... to gain more time with knowledge of the main events that could happen. It was a well designed game and I loved it. Especially Tingle. "Koolah limpah!" Sorry Tingle, stole your words.

Wind Waker was another amazing game! However, I was too worried about getting to dungeons, finding the triforce all over the known world, and figuring out how to get some magic armor to take the time to appreciate it. Tingle was the guy to brighten my time though, always providing map deciphering for a cheap cost of SEVERAL HUNDRED RUPEES!

Twilight Princess had a dark theme, which was especially welcoming for people of the younger generation. I, although part of the younger generation, wasn't much of a pla<x>yer for the darker games. However, since this was a Zelda game, I wanted to get into the entire plotline, and the beginning seemed bright, so I wanted to see where things went. I'll just say it straight out - loved it, which I've said for every Zelda game so far. Awesome.

Now for Skyward Sword, there's a lot of people who say it was terrible and disappointing. What did you expect? An game with a plotline and gameplay of epic proportions? Grow up. As a person who's interested in game design, I'd say they definitely introduced new elements into the game. Having your own bird to fly on around Skypiea? That's already awesome. Disappointed about the plot? It's new, unique, and Zelda has her own unique acting role in this. She's actually doing something vital while the hero goes along his journey. The ending credits show that. Hate how difficult the puzzles are to solve? Or how the trials can be VERY annoying at time? I actually partially agree, they were kind of annoying. But, the trials were essential to the plot, needed to get a new item, and the dungeons teach you to fight in new ways, especially when you get your new item. To be honest, I think that this game has the best character build, especially since the majority of the characters that you meet along the journey has some sort of purpose. A story to tell. Everyone is relevant in this game. It was interesting how it was always day on land though...

Of course, there are those handheld games, like the Oracles of Ages and Seasons (I never completed seasons because the end boss was too difficult), Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, and Spirit Tracks were all great games. Most of them, other than Minish Cap, I had to put down for a time because they seemed difficult, but I eventually returned them and had fun playing each and every Link.

Then, there are the two old Zeldas, which I had the opportunity to play both when I was little and once a few weeks ago. When I was young, I tried to play it, but they were difficult to play and I didn't understand it. Now, I play the game and think the concept was rather simple. There wasn't much plotline other than beat the dungeons, collect the important stuff, and kill ganon. Wish there was more to it.

Now, I'm looking forward to that new Zelda game coming out at some point in the near future. Maybe that Wind Waker remake too. It'll be lots of fun.
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Man, I LOVE playing Zelda! To this day, it's my favorite gaming series. When the gamecube was released, forever ago, I got the Zelda collector's edition (Wind Waker demo, OoT, MM, and 2 older games). That is literally my most prized disc :3

OoT is, hands down, my number one game. I've played it multiple times and I still enjoy it. Hopefully, this Christmas, I will be receiving Master Quest :) I love OoT's graphics, the overall game play, and the songs. Beautiful game.

MM, on the other hand, creeped the fudge outta me. I've only played and beaten the game twice (surprisingly). Getting the masks are fun, but the temples are too short! They're kinda complex and I know you have to defeat them in 3 days, but man, I wanted more. This leads to my least favorite feature of the game: time. Ugh, 3 days?!? What the hell? I don't like having a time limit. I'm a free bird and I don't focus that easily (lol), so when I have a limited amount of time, I freak. Recently, I've decided to the another chance and play it; uh, I like it, but having to defeat a boss within 5 minutes, or else the world ends, is stressful. I've never hated Zelda so much than I did at that moment. Haha, ranting over, until SS ;)

Moving on, WW is a WONDERFUL game. The graphics are hella different, but it makes it more appealing! It kinda breaks the 4th wall a lot (like after you beat the game and play it again, Link can keep his normal clothes; when like receives his hero garb, he's stands in "I got an item" position awkwardly, like he knows he has nothing in his hands XD). It's one of my favorites! I love sailing the sea, but dude playing 700 rupees to decipher a map? C'mon Tingle! Cut me some slack :(

Twilight Princess is my second favorite game. It's literally perfect. The graphics are badas*, Links fighting skills leave me drooling, the story line is different, yet spectacular, and Midna is the fudging BEST! I loved EVERYTHING about TP. Which leads me to Skyward Sword...

I am one of those disappointed fans. The game pis**d me off in more ways than imaginable. The creators had it right in TP! Maybe include a slightly different story line, improve Link's motions and abilities, and it would've been golden. But noooo! I think they tried too hard to make it live up to TP. It failed, in my opinion. Ok, stamina gauge, really? *Sigh* I got over it. The complete change in locations...? There was fire and water, but everything else changed. WHAT? I can only go 3 places (okay, four, but that's back in time and totally doesn't count)? Ugh, fine! Where's Epona... OH HELL NO, where's my freakin horse. My best friend? Okay, I can live with this. Link can sit and sh**, so this will be an awesome game. Wrong, the challenges pis*** me off more than once. I appreciate not being able to do something the first few times, but when it ain't working after the 10th time, I'm not happy. The graphics were cool, but a pretty game can't make up for these major flaws. I didn't have enough "room" to play, I like to explore areas, not be confined into 3 of 'em... *Sigh* I'm a major Zelda lover and I got this game hella quickly, but after a year, I haven't defeated it once. I'm at the VERY end, but I've lost all interests in it. I'm bored and I hate my life when I'm playing. It's the one Zelda game I will NEVER play again. Oh and Fi... REALLY? Dafuq is she useful for? Telling me I'm gonna lose? I miss Minda or Navi :'(

Lol, I've gone off an a Zelda rant like that, but overall Zelda is the shi%. SS, I've concluded, is a game you either hate instantly, or fall in love with. Btw, don't you think MM was WAY darker than TP? Seriously, MM was depressing and dark O.O Lol, okay. I'm done.
ahndee · 31-35, M
Didn't expect anyone to respond to my story of the experience by responding with their story if the experience... Awkward...

Seems like we can agree about our time with Zelda... Except with Skyward Sword. TBH, the only parts that I had difficulty with were the side quests and the fights with Ghirahim. Yes, moving stacks of pumpkins, cutting bamboo sticks, and attacking Ghirahim just right required proper nunchuk coordination... I eventually managed to do them, and each time I completed one of them I felt a sense of victory! While you have never beaten the game, I beat the game within the first week of release, and have beaten it a few times since: once on hero mode with all upgrades (even Hylian shield). I admit the stamina gauge was quite annoying once I used abilities like sprint and climbing often, but it reinforces the message to take a break... Link gets tired too. It does seem strange that there is no Epona or horse for Link to ride on, but one look at the current land makes it obvious why there are no horses. The land of desert and the land of volcano makes it too harsh for horses to even exist there, which just leaves the forest/water area. Two problems: 1- no open fields for the horse to graze on (since horses naturally eat grassy plants) 2- if a "sea dragon" over-floods the whole forest every once in a while, then it's not exactly safe for horses... Despite how much horses are wanted, apparently there's no place for them yet... At least in the explored land of "Hyrule"...

I'll admit the game is annoying in other ways: those trials. Very annoying, especially when you run low on the light things to collect to hold the guardian spirits off. Also finding them was a pain, even when they lit up the sky. The only thing that kept me going back were the shadow things that could only be found in trials. They respawn after each attempt, so I got lots after the first three trials.

Also: I found it strange that I had to revisit the first dungeon. I guess the point was to visit old places that you were familiar with to use new abilities... Still, the trip was a bit out-of-the-way, even to get something for the sea dragon.

Interesting how you say you "confined" to 3 areas... As if Skypiea does not exist... The "3 areas" are already huge enough, but now you want to see more? Okay, I'm partly joking there. I admit that most parts of the areas are far too linear (requiring you to explore them). They should've had more side content for players, just random places added just for players to enjoy, serving no particular purpose. That "enjoyment" place happens to be the sky though, a place that you seem to reject/ignore.

...okay I seriously spoke too much about SS there. But yeah, I don't think the target audience was our age group, and I only say that because I don't act my age, and everyone our age likes stuff like the Twilight Saga and Hunger Games, two things that I exactly could care less about - which might partially explain your extreme likeness for TP and a disappointment in Skyward Sword. The darkest part of SS was the ending fight, fighting Demise in a place similar to the dimension the Hero of Time fought Shadow Link, except it is a dimension of utter chaos and disorder.
...That ends my reply.

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