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I Play League Of Legends

please carry me to challenger and gift me skins :3333
I'm so bad at it T_T
😐 did he legends and hop
on the VALORANT band wagon
@SW-User 😃 I like the attitude! Who knows maybe you’ll do great!
@MrFreeeeeze HMPH! exactlyyyyy even though I'm the worst at aiming. Let's pray Valorant treats me better than league did XDDD
@SW-User honestly that games got some really skilled players already. I played during beta but even then that wasn’t enough to skill up my aim like csgo 🥺
Pseudonym · 26-30, M
I love the game. I just use the mute button a lot. 😅
@Pseudonym LMAOOOOOO XDDDD so relatable. so many toxic tilted people
Nanori · F
That game sucks
@Nanori 😱 gasp
ok fine
it kinda does XDDDDD
too much toxic people
takes way too much time
worst client ever takes forever for riot to fix the bugs and stuff. XDDD
Nanori · F
@SW-User yeah it was because of all that, that I quit lol
I played it for 6 years....

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