Minecraft: big progress, nothing finished
Today I excavated a larger area and built an automatic wheat farm, though I didn't have enough seeds to populate it entirely. It won't start producing significant amounts until the few crops I did plant spread all across it, so there's no point in creating a screenshot or video.
I also started on a wool farm of my own design, utilizing a combination of automatic sheering and breeding towards the automatic trampling threshold. The essential layout and collection system are finished, but I still have to build the systems to supply all elements with wheat and scissors, add the floor and make it all look good. So again, not ready for screenshots.
I also started on a wool farm of my own design, utilizing a combination of automatic sheering and breeding towards the automatic trampling threshold. The essential layout and collection system are finished, but I still have to build the systems to supply all elements with wheat and scissors, add the floor and make it all look good. So again, not ready for screenshots.