Skyrim, I started the game today, went with rebels, in town talked to her sister, and the shopkeeper told me to find golden dragon claw, I found it and when I came back people in town attacked me, WHY? I did nothing wrong ...
Anu chance you attacked some on who wasn't a bandit? Just a passerby you hit with a swing ofyour sword or a stray arrow? They dont like that much either. II've always thought their attachments to the chickens was unnatural.
No, nothing I didnt attack at all, I just walked in the path, and defended myself, thats all I did. The only creature I attacked was that poor chicken :D And I guess Im payin for that :P
did you kill a chicken? that is BIG in skyrim for some reason.
Yeah, dat chicken can be a bitch, but an important bitch haha While attacking me they shouted "You call yourself a nord? You traitor..." :D Thankfully chickens arent that important irl haha