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Any good ideas for a D&D character in a sorta, space pirate-esque campaign?

Was invited to join a campaign that's apparently going to be set in space, and I have No Idea what kind of character to create. My head caters to fun ideas for medieval fantasy, not a lot else lol. What kind of character could be in this setting? 🙈😭

It's going to be DnD 5e I'm pretty sure.
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Rogue. Swashbuckler (obviously).

I have a Level 4 going right now.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
You could be a space bounty hunter with your own secret backstory and goals. Basically just thinking of Spike from Cowboy Bebop lol, thats a good show for ideas actually.
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
@Ryannnnnn Haha Cowboy Bebop was one of the places I tried looking for inspiration actually 👌 But I know one of the other players is most likely going to have something similar to Spike, so I have low-key decided on a smuggler, junker, scrap mechanic kinda gal.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@NorthernRoses Haha yeah probably. You can do a lot with that, adding alien elements is an option also. You could have some really interesting mechanics.
@NorthernRoses Sounds like a female Han Solo. I approve.
Jessmari · 41-45
D20 Modern (with it's future supplements) would be much better for that kind of campaign. You could get some inspiration from Treasure Planet or Captain Harlock depending on how serious the kind of character you are playing. As far as 5e fighters, barbarians, and rogues would be the most common base classes I think.
You could create a jack sparrow in space character?

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