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Redstar · 36-40, M
I enjoyed The Last of Us 2, I haven't finished it but it's at least a decent game. The first one just left me disappointed and dumbfounded that it got such positive reviews and fanfare, despite it's lack of originality in the story or compelling gameplay. Plus, it was over way too soon, the credits roll was as jarring as (don't worry, no spoilers) the cliffhanger of Season 5 of Supernatural when it seemed like there wasn't going to be another Season or ten.
What's the point of remaking the first game, which they already remastered? I watched someone play it for a bit on twitch and it looked the same as the original...
There's milking a franchise and then there's this.
But not to end on a bad note.. if I missed gameplay elements from 2 that crossover into 1 and then they improve on it all for 3rd game and finally make it open world like it should be, it could be one awesome game.
What's the point of remaking the first game, which they already remastered? I watched someone play it for a bit on twitch and it looked the same as the original...
There's milking a franchise and then there's this.
But not to end on a bad note.. if I missed gameplay elements from 2 that crossover into 1 and then they improve on it all for 3rd game and finally make it open world like it should be, it could be one awesome game.
I enjoyed that game some time ago and recently started left behind. A dlc of it.