Goralski · 56-60, M
If its a Harley better start working on it now
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@liloleme123 Maybe that's a bit collquial, is it a kwaka?
liloleme123 · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu Yep quack quack. greens the new black lol actually managed to get her back out last couple days been mild I only use it for commuting .
@liloleme123 Oooh, a bro!
Mines all black,(besides a scratch or two😟)
And yeah, me too, dont get to ride as much as I used to.
Hopefully with summer coming on, it might be different this year.
Miss them dayrides
Mines all black,(besides a scratch or two😟)
And yeah, me too, dont get to ride as much as I used to.
Hopefully with summer coming on, it might be different this year.
Miss them dayrides
liloleme123 · 56-60, M
@SW-User muhaha.... a gentleman never tells.....

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