Im going to seek car mod that can make my car driver door swing open like lambogini countach 
I live in condominium where each unit of occupant can only have one desinate parking space at ground floor,and this 30 years old building is design with old blueprint where parking spacing between car is purpose for family car in that era where car is much smaller even the largest private vehicle already take into account can fit as long is not commercial truck or else you can park and open both side of door easily because is residential purpose building architec assume nobody drive vehicle size like tank to commute daily.But nowasday two of my neightbour unit parking space owner one is switch to new ford ranger another is toyota lexus suv and me parking sandwich in between had to hold my breath bend my limp like perform hardest kamasutra in order to squeeze myself in and out my car,lucky im slim and agile as gymnast.
26-30, M