A very interesting item of equipment fitted to all cars - the direction indicator
What's the point of being on here if I can't use the site for a bit of a beef now and then? I was cleaning my wheelhouse the other day, and took this, thinking it might come in useful. This item of equipment is fitted to all cars, and it requires very little effort to operate. So I wonder why its use is so sporadic, and often erroneous. So here are a few things:
Direction indicator use (UK roads - LHD countries of course some differences...):
- Requires only fingertip pressure
- left to go left, right to go right
- on roundabouts, left starting at the exit before the one being taken. Not right all the way round
- it matters, because it's vital information
Direction indicator use (UK roads - LHD countries of course some differences...):
- Requires only fingertip pressure
- left to go left, right to go right
- on roundabouts, left starting at the exit before the one being taken. Not right all the way round
- it matters, because it's vital information