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Well, I hope Dad is proud of me.

We figured out pulling the dang dock and boat lift out of the lake without him. It took all day and was 5 times more difficult that I remember in past years withi his guidance. We did a bunch of things wrong and partially still don't get the mechanics to make it easier next tim but damnit if we didn't at least get it figured out by sheer muscle and willpower. NGL there were both my tears and my spouse's blood but we did it. 🙌

Now, a celebratory drink and a nap.
Well, you seem to have hit the blood, sweat, and tears trifecta.

And it IS an accomplishment.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Feel good in your accomplishment!!
He will be laughing at your attempts😂
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@SW-User oh lord my brother did when he found out we never figured out how to drop the wheels on the boat lift so it could roll out. We basically just muscled it by sheer stubbornness and will. That mother Fer was HEAVY. I would have called my brother to ask what the trick was but he was taking a potentially career path altering test. Oh boy did he think it was funny we got it out without the wheels.

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