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Few things are as bad as repeated car repairs

Since I don't want a new car payment, I've been continuing to drive my 2016 Ford Focus. It's been a good car but three weeks ago it started falling apart. Three trips to the shop, 30 hours of OT work, and over a thousand dollars later she's running as good as ever (knock on wood). I hate car problems.
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Jonjdw · 51-55, M
I have older cars. I work on them myself. But I understand.
Latenightgamer · 41-45, M
@Jonjdw I wish I had that kind of mechanical ability. My uncle's tried to reach me about cars, and the book knowledge made sense. Trying to actually do any repair work was a different story.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@Latenightgamer yes, the problem is there is always obstacles you have to overcome. Like bolts that won’t come out and bolts that get stripped.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
Same with me and my 89 s-10
HumanEarth · F
I have 1978 S10 4X4 I'm working on. I moved the cab back and installed inline 6 and took out the V6 engine. I wanted to do a straight 8 engine, but I couldn't find one
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
@HumanEarth Ever think of assembling 2 i-4s end-to-end?
HumanEarth · F
Too much headache to think about
I’ve heard that Ford stands for “fix or repair daily.” But I still feel your pain. I’m driving a 2011 Honda Accord and it’s rare not to have some repairs needed even when I’m just there for an oil change or inspection.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@OlderSometimesWiser Found on road dead and For old retired dad's. I have always had extremely good luck with Ford.
@Musicman You are lucky indeed.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I just traded in a 2010 Accord with 260k on it last fall. Only parts changes apart from maintenance were a wheel bearing and a starter.

That's it. Every other part on that engine was original, right down to the alternator, which was charging at 100%(we checked it). No leaks. Might be the best car I ever owned. Just got another Accord.

It's almost like a car tells you when it's done, though.
Yeah, once you start paying 1 or 2 thousand a year in repairs, it's a sign that trade-in time is near.

The sweet spot for you might be a not-very-old used car. We've gotten a two cars that way over the years. One we think was a repo, very well kept; the other might have been a dealer's loaner, 1 year old low mileage.

Also, the rental car companies are essentially in the business of manufacturing used cars. They have many nice sedans with not bad mileage and reasonable prices.
come2gether · 46-50, M
If it's running good, keep it up. My monthly payment is $800. You only had to pay 1k once for it to run good for a while.
jackson55 · M
I have a 2014 Focus ST. 75,000 trouble free miles. The secret is keep it away from the dealer.
HumanEarth · F
I never had a new car in my life. I always build my cars & trucks from others peoples scrap piles.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
there you go...ford...not toyota or honda
Latenightgamer · 41-45, M
@1490wayb I've heard that from a few people, unfortunately after I bought the Focus.
robb65 · 56-60, M
I was driving a '90 Ford but got tired of fixing problems and pulled the engine out yesterday. Hopefully next week that engine will be in an 80's model with a one barrel carb instead of fuel injection.. Problem solved.
RedBaron · M
Then why are you driving a FORD, as in…

Daily 🤣
Latenightgamer · 41-45, M
@HumanEarth I'm starting to regret mentioning I drive a Ford
HumanEarth · F

Try telling people you drive an AMC Truck
RedBaron · M
@Latenightgamer But not as much as you should regret owning it.

Mentioning it is no skin off anyone’s ashtabula.
LandOfOz · 61-69, M
Japanese cars are the most reliable cars to buy. Whether new or second hand you cant go wrong. European cars are not as reliable and more expensive to repairĺ. Plus they devalue quickly.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Just think about how much a new car payment would be and all of a sudden that thousand dollars will look like a bargain.

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