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Ya gotta play to your audience

When I was much younger, my car burst into flames in the driveway.

The firemen came in their big red truck, delighting my 5 yr old, and they put out the flames and left the battery in the snow beside the car, hissing and snapping.

The firechief-guy stared at it and I helped him for a while. Then, intending to be witty, I asked, "Dya think it'll start?"

He tore his eyes from the battery, pushed his firechief-guy helmet back on his head so I could see him roll his eyes before he said, "No, ma'am. i don't think it will."

I wanted to kick him in the seat of his big yellow firechief-guy pants:
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
Think of that experience as preparing you for SW, where it is so easy to post something in a tongue-in-cheek way and receive lectures from people who think we are being serious!
@DrWatson Sigh. Yes.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Mamapolo2016 I have to admit I have been guilty of that too, once or twice. To me, some of the posts which parody certain political positions are indistinguishable from sincere posts advocating those positions. And since politics is not my main reason for being here, sometimes I forget which users are on which "side!" 😂
bowman81 · M
He just might have kicked you back. 🤣
@bowman81 That's why I didn't kick him.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@bowman81 Nah. He said "Ma'am." He's a gentleman! 😂

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