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Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I haven’t got time to cruise around the world on a ship 🙂

@Dlrannie make time 🚢
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Imma stay home. Too many people out there.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
I ain't getting on no plane!
乂ᴼ ₒ ᴼ乂
乂ᴼ ₒ ᴼ乂
Fluffybull · F
Cruise. Never flown, never will.
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
GermanAf · 26-30, M
Fly around in one go or chill a few days in some countries?
saragoodtimes · F
probably a cruise around the world don't know of a fly that can handle 2 people plus luggage
Spoiledbrat · F
There's more room on a ship.
shaneoc · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat Yes there is
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I'll fly. I've had my fill of ships in the navy.

cruise for sure the most relaxing way to travel
Lilymoon · F
Fly.... cruises are brutal lol
SissySecrets · 46-50, T