PepsiColaP, Actually 3xs. I woke one morning and was really sick and dizzy. My temp was 103. My oxygen was 80% And b/p was 70 /50. Three Dr's were trying to figure what was wrong with me. There was no answer nor to this day. I was slowly dying and had week to live. They only thing they could do for me was steroids IV. By third day in hospital I lost my balance and couldn't breathe. I was on my way out the 🚪.
Second. was last year. It started in Feb I kept feeling this tugging and ripping feeling under my right side where the liver and gallbladder sits. It progressively getting worse. In Oct I finally decided to get looked at. They said test are normal. The pain is getting worse month by month. Nov is when I got to the point of not going to the bathroom at all. I had to stimulate myself to go. Enema! You think that would solve the issue? Nope? MRI showed fecal matter moving extremely slow. Only a portion would come out the upper half wasn't budging. So it was poisoning my system. I got to point was so sick I could eat or drink. Again, Slowly dying. With no fucking answer. A year I been going through this shit.
Gastrologist says Fatty liver and I need to lose weight and be on special diet. Ok, I lost 20 lbs and still maintain my diet. Still in pain. I did MRI,X rays,Blood test Ultrasound, God knows what else.
Pain is an indication there is something wrong. They're missing something this make no sense.
I have been researching and I try my best to ability to figure it out or prevent it.
I found my colon was shutting down. No explanation.
In the end of just this week they found the problem. It was my gallbladder.
I'm praying since it was taken out my liver issue subside.