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Merriam-Webster on my iPad, Wiktionary on my phone.
silentwriter180 · 56-60, F
I downloaded "The Free Dictionary" by Farlex. It's more than just a dictionary. It has a
'word of the day', and 'idiom of the day', an 'article of the day', (articles from way back when), a 'quote of the day', a 'day in history', and more. And yes it is a dictionary, even with everything else. lol I have also downloaded the scrabble dictionary, as I am an avid player.
'word of the day', and 'idiom of the day', an 'article of the day', (articles from way back when), a 'quote of the day', a 'day in history', and more. And yes it is a dictionary, even with everything else. lol I have also downloaded the scrabble dictionary, as I am an avid player.
golemn9 · 31-35, M
the British dict
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I am woefully appless.
Lilnonames · F
i disabled mine
Lilnonames · F
@AnonymousAsFuc have no use for it