what and how much are you going to pay me to answer that?
AnukBinary · M
This guy💪👁🖕 I'm not flipping you off it's jus looks cool
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AnukBinary · M
@eliosgreek: Yes it is. I'm off to sleep. We can do binary code by hand tomorrow😂
eliosgreek · 31-35, M
@AnukBinary: Good night buddy,and have a sweet dream.
AnukBinary · M
@eliosgreek: Thank man. They were great dreams lol
Blahblahblahblah · 26-30, F
A corrupt person is not going to admit to being corrupt.
wetncthru · F
The last one who was probably NOT corrupt in any way, was likely the star of the show at the first Easter.

people arent going to admit to that.

I pay bribes
eliosgreek · 31-35, M
@JustImagine: How much expenditures are on bribes?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
not at all, my most defined trait is my loyalty
Mondayschild · F
What kind of idiot would answer this?😂
Mondayschild · F
Do you enjoy attacking people for something that is absolutely of your buisness? You dont need to keep me straight,I do that very well on my own.
@Starshine: No, I don't. But I'll defend myself if I think a comment or post pertains to me. I'm sure you would too.
Mondayschild · F
So how did my post pertain to you?
I guess I'm a it corrupt. Shoot. More than halfway there. Smh. #imgoingtohell
eliosgreek · 31-35, M
@Umile18: No! corrupt is a cool thing.
@eliosgreek: mmmhhmm. say that to me at the crossroads. #notscaredformylife #scaredformysoul