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Safaa · 22-25, F
@IstillmissEP: Hy why did you send me that??
eliosgreek · 31-35, M
@IstillmissEP: Day 30! Nuke explosion
Ratatouillesque · 26-30, F
mrpeaches · 41-45, M
I'm not but (I'm not Muslim) but by cousin who is Muslim is celebrating.
Panther · 26-30, M


Islam is a violent cult. Nothing to admire or celebrate.
Safaa · 22-25, F
@Faerylight: You say whatever you want I'll say what I want...thanks but I believe in Islam

@safaabushra: so you believe it is OK to take women as sex slaves? You believe god told a fifty something year old man to marry a six year old. You believe the perfect man is someone who orders hundreds of captives slaughtered and fucks the most beautiful woman the very night he's had her husband executed? You believe in stoning or whipping women if they've committed 'adultery' (whatever that means in a society where men 'marry' children and numerous women)? You think thieves should have their hands cut off. I wish I could not care what you believe but your ideology is TOXIC and infecting the entire world
Safaa · 22-25, F
@Faerylight: No I don't believe anything of all that...anyway Eid Mubarak 😘