Love is care, i think. So they will try to help you with your problems regardless,a person wants to be there for you if they love you. If you mean affection...not all people know how to. Sometimes you literally have to tell them how to show
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@Bluerose89: tell him then what you want specifically. I'm dead serious. Some people are clueless for no reason not because they don't want to. It's if you literally told them then number of kisses you want and they refuse to give it (it's simple and free) that's when they don't care...
Bluerose89 · 31-35, F
@MrsFugger: actually I'm the one who is not showing affection..I do love him..I stand by him whenever he needs me..but I have trouble expressing feelings..its hard for me to say love you or talk to him romantically..I talk to him more like a friend or colleague.. So he thinks I don't love him..

@Bluerose89: oh then i think the vise versa needs to be done...or some people can start looking for more affection somewhere, if thats so important to them and he is already complaining about it. I am sure someone already wrote a whole book on it maybe you can buy
Magnolia · 31-35, F
I'd say that's true. Love is about what you do, not what you say. If you don't treat somebody with kindness, respect and empathy then how can it be that you love them?

No love has value even when someone doesn't see it. You can love someone from afar and wish the best for them and that is a gift.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Mmmmmmmmmm. I would initially suppose so. Much like money has no value if you dont spend it.
ThePrisoner · M
So who isn't showing it???
Bluerose89 · 31-35, F
@ThePrisoner: me
ThePrisoner · M
@Bluerose89: Why?? what is wrong with love??
Bluerose89 · 31-35, F
@ThePrisoner: nothing wrong..I'm not expressive..

...it would be like having chocolate but never eating it...it looks good, but you never get to taste it.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Love always has value. Sadly most have no clue what love is.
Under1 · 26-30, F
Love is what do you do for the other, it's an act :)