Faust76 · 46-50, M
Most people probably know where they roughly fit on those scales, and what answers they're expected to give to get the results. The test doesn't really "find" any new truths that you don't already know. On the flip side, at least you're on very clear (or absolute) on what you like.
I found the test bit cognitively dissonant, for example, if you identify more as a dominant, you will probably start with "disagree" answers, then it suddenly flips to dominant questions and you need to answer just the opposite, so you need to be very careful what the options mean for each question.
Then there's the statements like "I believe that there is a natural order of things, which dictates that men are dominant and women are submissive." You're asked to rate whether you agree or disagree, and well I definitely strongly disagree, but I would and have entertained the notion for the sake of play. I think they *mean* you to rate how you usually prefer prefer to scene, not without you agree or disagree, but it's impossible to tell if that question is to judge your flexibility.
The question of whether these are your real attitudes, or something you're doing for the sake of more intimate connection, and pleasure, is a separate one but also important. So it seems still more useful to discuss likes and dislikes, which often depend on personal chemistry, complete with "I don't know but let's find out". It's still possible to use tests like this as icebreaker to introduce the topic as not everybody is into "Hey, wanna have hot, kinky sex?" but the questions have a few gotcha's like that belief-one.
I found the test bit cognitively dissonant, for example, if you identify more as a dominant, you will probably start with "disagree" answers, then it suddenly flips to dominant questions and you need to answer just the opposite, so you need to be very careful what the options mean for each question.
Then there's the statements like "I believe that there is a natural order of things, which dictates that men are dominant and women are submissive." You're asked to rate whether you agree or disagree, and well I definitely strongly disagree, but I would and have entertained the notion for the sake of play. I think they *mean* you to rate how you usually prefer prefer to scene, not without you agree or disagree, but it's impossible to tell if that question is to judge your flexibility.
The question of whether these are your real attitudes, or something you're doing for the sake of more intimate connection, and pleasure, is a separate one but also important. So it seems still more useful to discuss likes and dislikes, which often depend on personal chemistry, complete with "I don't know but let's find out". It's still possible to use tests like this as icebreaker to introduce the topic as not everybody is into "Hey, wanna have hot, kinky sex?" but the questions have a few gotcha's like that belief-one.
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Well that's Kawaii, I guess...
Kawaii · F
@Faust76: okay then.
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
i enjoyed taking the test. found out things about me
golemn9 · 31-35, M
Kawaii · F
@golemn9: what's so funny?

Ok then, good to know :)

oh that'll be fun 😏 lol
BonkerBandar · 31-35, M

dale74 · M
Sounds like you would like to be hunted down tied up and made to please without your consent