Pineapple · 100+, F
I don't, I'm often lost
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@Pineapple: same, very much same
ticklerguy · M
@loveyourselfalways00: Seems you've managed to find your way pretty well
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@ticklerguy: how so?
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
I leave a trail of breadcrumbs.
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@approachingmyexpirationdate good solution haha
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
@loveyourselfalways00 except n9w I have a crumbs mind.
IHateMyLife0MeDie · 46-50, M
Ariadne will provide the thread.
loveyourselfalways00 · 22-25, F
@IHateMyLife0MeDie just googled her and I appreciate your response a lot :') but sadly I don't think it helps since I don't even have a specific minotaur to navigate towards and defeat