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Gotta give Obama some credit 😏

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Pfuzylogic · M
They make the perfect couple. There are very few politicians that I respect like our former President. The US was blessed with him as our leader.
@Pfuzylogic: So true!
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
He says.... 'They're taking a pic, you know the drill dude'.
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
@MsMontgomery: Lets fake it like we are in bed
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A tranny can't get pregnant and have kids you fool 👎🏼
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You're getting downright nasty now😒 👎🏼
Elegy · 46-50
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
because it's fake and always have been 😏
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MissingNotes: of course you would know 🐒
Indeed. Love is easy to spot ❤️
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MissingNotes: 😊
Selah ·
They're a hot couple.
@Selah: Agreed. Fit for their age group
AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
what was she thinking with that hairstyle on the left ? looks like marcelo ffs
My oh my... The stupidity shown inside the threads of this question. Totally lack of respect for anyone. Plain rudeness, bullies and bigoted douches.

So... You didn't like President Obama. All fair. Talking crap like you do is downright showing what material you're made of. It is a bad example to be used when talking to the minors here. Your cases are lost as you have shown how your self-respect and inner beast as human beings looks alike. Plain ugly, disgusting, and something that will keep dividing people with hostility towards each other.

You are real heroes hiding behind your screens and keyboards. Pathetic. If you were decent people you'd be excusing your behavior to the OP. Smh.

I need to listen to something more uplifting than supposed to be grownups acting like animals.

nedkelly · 61-69, M
Barack to Michelle, I have fucked you and now its time to fuck Americans, michelle replies you lasted 8 years and now they have a real man in the white house
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Pfuzylogic · M
@nedkelly: Aussie right?

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