Peaceful · F
It means he paid a lot of money to get a twice misspelled tattoo 😅

@Peaceful: lol!!!!! I didn't even catch that.
no regerts !
Unsatisfiedstace · 51-55, F
@1GHOST: I was just gonna say that!
@1GHOST: best answer.

it mean's regret...a lot of regret...should of got a tattoo of a flower instead. Cannot go wrong with that.

Should've just gone for "this is a mistake"
Experienced33 · M
accident waiting to happen
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F

@ScarletWitch: A misspelled tattoo is majorly stupid!
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
He shoulda just got the number. :P
sensualbeauty1 · F
With tattoos that large and definitive words, possibly looking for some major attention or just making a statement.😕
that he didn't learn English properly?
Peaches · F
That someone can't spell.😏
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Angelwithbrokenwingxo · 31-35, F
It means that He's an idiot. Not only is the tattoo stupid af but it looks cheap.