BlueRaine · 51-55, F
It's easy
krf336 · M
Its under account settings,
mynameisrose · F
@krf336: then where to? I only find log out option...
krf336 · M
whats your user name, ill walk you through it there
mynameisrose · F
@krf336: I sent you private message. Thank you so much.

If you figure it out. Let me know!!! :)
mynameisrose · F
@PartTimeModel: give me the sh!t...I want to get rid of it. I tried search on google...didnot seem to work for me
krf336 · M
@PartTimeModel: ill walk you through it as well if you want, whats your user name
BlueRaine · 51-55, F
google delete my Kik
doodatt · 61-69, M
Have you deleted it now?
I have it on my phone but don't use it much.
I have it on my phone but don't use it much.
Lovelyelaine101 · 22-25, F
Delete the app :)
mynameisrose · F
@Habbiba123: I suppose I can do that but I still get the email from kik...sigh. I wish I have never installed it...