Flenflyys · 31-35, F
If that's what drives you to anger you have the problem, not them
FreeSpirit1 · F
You should have proof read this question.
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@mamawhatswrongwithme: either would be correct!!!
@mamawhatswrongwithme: is that last part suppose to be "ironic" too?
@Stark: Read it from top to bottom, and hope Jesus will shine the light on your head.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
Be careful what you wish for, sweetie, auto-complete stings everyone.
@mamawhatswrongwithme: nah I knew it duh!!!! Just messin with you and btw believe what you want ! Funny thing is out of all the people that said something you want to start some shit with Dixie! Why?! Go away cause Dixie does not want to fight!
@DixieChick: sorry, i love you
@mamawhatswrongwithme: go to hades! I'm tired of yours and others' crap!!!! 😫
Nah. It's not them, ITS YUU.
Rambler · 61-69, M
Nah, it's just a website. Them people don't bother me none.
@Rambler: I Doos and o also know them smart ass people's tooooo so I'm outta here cause I am not going to fight with this child trying to start something with me! I wish they would try talking the same crap to my face!!! 😫
Rambler · 61-69, M
@DixieChick: 😄
@Rambler: I PROMISE you they would NOT!!!
PepperMint · 26-30, F
Well, english is not my first language
PepperMint · 26-30, F
@mamawhatswrongwithme: couldn't have guessed that
@PepperMint: Probably because of the hysteria caused by some peeps here
PepperMint · 26-30, F
@mamawhatswrongwithme: absolutely
lillyd · F
Um yes, go stand against that wall
I figured that's what you were up to!
@DixieChick: Ease up on the excitement, will ya?
@mamawhatswrongwithme: bye troll! 😫
LJW35 · 41-45, F
I am with you .....grammar police all the way!
They blocked me. I don't remember how they typed.