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81redhead · 41-45, M
Depends, I tip well at places that treat me well

AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Lol no I'm a cheapskate
No I'm usually around 10% but that is tax free money for them as most don't declare tips as income.
Yes. 30% plus. Minimum of 20. 10 years bartending does that to a person
Yes Canada has a very strong tipping culture XD
@dreamingofoz: 😘
mrmoose · 70-79, M
yes, servers work hard for little pay
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Yeppers. I was a waiter for five years.
I think so, minimum 20%
yeah @abman55:
@ZeroG: and of course much better if I get great service.. and that can just mean the server being friendly
meJess · F
No, the wheelbarrow is pretty heavy
20% unless they suck at their job and legitimately them and not kitchen related issues. Crappy attitude or excessively slow at getting drink refills or not even asking if I want them that goes down to 10% at the least.
SugarRush · 31-35, F
No because everywhere I go, the tips don't go to the staff member I want it to go to. They earned it so they should have right to it.
Yes. You have to royally eff up to not get 20%
@themauvethong: no, sometimes you were awesome but the person couldn't afford to give you a big tip.
@thinkbigaboutlife: No, I mean the waiter has to royally eff up for ME not to give them 20%. Also, if you can't afford to tip them 10-15% for doing a good job, then you shouldn't be going to a restaurant and sitting down.
ah ok. I now understand what you meant.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
20 percent. Unless you get lipy with me, then 1 cent.
@24601a: yeah or they totally ignore you..
Steve42 · 56-60, M
@ZeroG: I'll walk out if they ignore me. It takes a special kind of attitude to not get your tip from me. But it has happened.
yeah 😬
tzzzzr · 61-69, M
Yes, if the service is good usually somewhere around 18%. I usually calculate 15% and just round up a bit.
Yes, always. If you cannot afford at LEAST 20%, then you can't afford to eat out.
I like to tip well. it's the nice thing to do.. unless they were horrible
MistahBuziness · 36-40, M
No, even though my mom taught me better since she was a waitress.
Marcette88 · 36-40, F
Yep, lived off of tips for a while and know others are doing the same.
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Yeah I tip 15% - 20%
@MightyAphrodite: I should mention, I live in Ireland where a 10% tip is considered magnificent.
People here don't usually tip that much..
If the service is good, Yes
Yes, more than generous.
Icetrey · 41-45, M
Depends on who I'm with.
I try to be, yea @thinkbigaboutlife:
Noble · 56-60, M
Yep, typically 20%
about 15% usually
Invisible · 26-30, M
Cows hate me
Honestly, yes
Very much so.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
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Elegy · 46-50

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