Serenitree · F
You can, but you shouldn't ever give anyone the satisfaction of knowing they got to you. Move on. Continue to be yourself and don't let them change you.
Apr. 3/17
5:36 pm
Apr. 3/17
5:36 pm
Fernie · F
It's kind of unhealthy to let a faceless stranger online hurt your feelings...go and meet people in real life...the internet is nothing but liars and creepy men when it comes to someone your age...please be careful
amberjchloe14 · 22-25, F
Then why are YOU on here? Hypocrite
Fernie · F
@amberjchloe14: LOL! So little think EVERYONE is online for the same reason you are? In order for you to accuse me of have to first know WHY I am online....silly child...I'm not looking for friends dear...I come in here to chat with some folks I like, have a laugh, tell off the perverts...not to make friends. I like real life any?
amberjchloe14 · 22-25, F
@Fernie: sooo... You DID come on here to meet friends 😂