ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
With all this incessant muddying of the waters I fear not, dear Scarlet.

Any "Clues" to help MissScarlet here?
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
I'm going to put my money on Professor Plum with a Candlestick at the Dinning Room
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
Why are people always pointing their fingers at my dear friend, Professor Plum?
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
I don't know but it seems to be the norm. I would watch out if I were you, have you seen the t-shirts? I'm not sure if it's a warning or a prediction.
[image/video deleted]
we will make a new one for you :)
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
oh dear! we can't be making this place filled with death!
why not? needs it imo 😊🤗
Mordi · 31-35, M
Much closer.
Hawnheart · 61-69
I confess, it was I. I are the cookie from the cookie jar! And it was a damn good cookie too. 🍪