NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Apologize to who? Yourself? Have fun with it Greg.:-)✌👍
nah,,, but watch the habit. It's possible that at some point you might find yourself getting very sick from NOT having a drink. I get a gut feeling that you might be they type that shouldn't drink. You might find yourself in a horrible web later on if you're not careful.
Gregmat · 46-50, M
Well said! And I'm already in a web
@Gregmat: Yeah. I do maintenance drinking, and now, I'm stuck. Nobody knows. I mean people who have me under the microscope don't even know, but I feel like I might die, if I don't get my carefully timed half pints and tablespoons of peanut butter/.
Crazytxtink · 51-55, F
Once in a while isnt worth worry of a sorry ,unless you are rude me entertainment when people drunk
Cosmo · 46-50, F
It happens
fantastic912 · 41-45, F
fantastic912 · 41-45, F
bargen0wwww · 26-30, M
Depending on the type of drunk you are, stay off snapchat and try not to drunk call anyone
Gregmat · 46-50, M
I'm a happy horny drunk.
bargen0wwww · 26-30, M
@Gregmat: yeah best stay off snapchat so you arent creeping on people/making them uncomfortable 😅 im the same way. My friends get mad at me when i text them or whatnot when i been drinking

Don't do it! (Get drunk I mean)
Wiseacre · F
What the hell..y not?