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Don't you think SW should have an app version?

Poll - Total Votes: 10
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Just for my own personal convenience I feel like I should offer to program it for them lol shouldn't take long xD
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Yeah, on EP the app was also a big success, it was the begin of the ending of that site 😂
@ArianaRose: Experience Project, this site is a sort of clone of it.
ArianaRose · 31-35, F
Oh ok. Why did it crash and burn?
@ArianaRose: Nobody knows exactly but I think the main reason was it just wasn't commercial interesting enough any more to the owners.
No, that will ruin the site, much as the app did to EP. It already works fine on a phone.
Background notifications would be nice sometimes.
Reject · 26-30, M
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Browser on smart phone. Done.
ArianaRose · 31-35, F
An app CAN be different. More personalized, less battery usage, pull data quicker and easier for the user. A browser has to load so many objects, not to forget, anything that isn't anchored to the site will make it a less enjoyable experience. Point being, look at Facebook. Perfect example. I could go on but I don't want to bore you.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@ArianaRose: It takes me 1 second to get here from my phone. I have the same access as on my phone.
ArianaRose · 31-35, F
Well for others it can take longer. I have the latest galaxy smartphone and it can still take a couple minutes but whatever works for you haha
Only if you want to see thousands of teens on the site.
ArianaRose · 31-35, F
I'm fairly certain that's already happened without it. I see what you mean though
@ArianaRose: More so than now, I mean.

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