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It seems that the great deal maker has lost his touch

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CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
That bill never had a chance.
The Democrats hated it
Within the GOP the conservatives hated it
The moderates hated it
Those in closely held seats hated it

And what is to love?
Voting for eliminating health care for 24 million people?
How would they survive voting for that.

Now the GOP may just have to fix Obamacare. Which they have been systematically trying to destroy.

It now turns out Obamacare is far less costly than Trump/RyanCare.

Trump got played.
and when he tried to play them, he blinked first.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
@Chernobylplayground: Marco Rubio destroyed Obamacare.

He wanted it to fail
He made sure the protections for insurance companies covering them in the transition term would be pulled.
That has forced many of them to run for the exits as they stand to lose tens of millions.

No one likes the details.
They just like the noise.
If you ask most complainers what went wrong with Obamacare they haven't got a flipping clue.

Rubio defended it by 2.9 billion dollars, which had been approved in the passing of the bill to support it for ten years as it smoothed out and wouldn't afford losses to insurance companies.

If your neighbour can't afford health care. That lies at the door of the GOP. They deliberately and quietly did this.
@CassandraFemale17: just makes me so angry 😡
katielass · F
@IstillmissEP: Me either. I don't trust any of he repubs on this. The law was a huge mistake but it's a done deal and there are certain things that can never be undone, like the entitlement aspect. Not gonna happen. The correct thing to do would be to fix the problems. And they can be fixed.
katielass · F
Nothing has happened here that didn't happen 7 years ago when obozo was trying to get obozocare passed. If you can't remember that far back use google and read the headlines from some of the largest newspapers from that spring.
katielass · F
@Leggylawyer: Ho don't know shit dingbat.
katielass · F
@cherokeepatti: some people might be willing to take the risk associated with a plan like that but what happens if they're in a car accident and in hospital for months.
Leggylawyer · 36-40, F
@katielass: haha the usual Trump supporters tactic of insults when they haven't got an intelligent argument to put forward.
EJTOOO · 18-21, F
Democrats are cheering a new poll which shows that likely 2018 voters shift 33 points away from incumbent GOP legislators once they are given negative information about House Speaker Paul Ryan’s healthcare bill.
“Voters [in GOP districts] move from approving of their congressperson by 12 points(46% approve, 34% disapprove) to disapproving by 21 points (35% approve,56% disapprove) — a net shift of 33 percentage points,” says Priorities USA, which commissioned the poll of 1,001 likely voters into the popularity of Ryancare, or the American Health Care Act.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
I like!

But it's early days.
The GOP has plenty of time to create havoc and lies, and instill fear in order to win voters.

Most people have short memories. This will be ancient history by then too.

Plenty of time.
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Leggylawyer · 36-40, F
He thought he did

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