LadyGrace · 70-79
Oh sure, could, but don't want to lose this privilege.

I went without for a month once. I think I can do it. I'm not social at all anyway, so I don't need the internet for much. I can buy CDs if I want to listen to music. Other than that, I can just read, write, hike, cook, and play music for the rest of my life. I'll probably get a puppers to help pass the time. I should be fine
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Yes, I could….I lived a lot of years before there even was an internet.
JenniferB · 46-50, F
Yes, because it didn't exist when I was younger.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
nope. do too much work on it the last 25 yrs.
i don't mind needing it.
i don't mind needing it.
Spoiledbrat · F
I can go to the library when I need to use it so I suppose I'd get by.
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Mondayschild · F
yes but I dont want to.
JenniferB · 46-50, F
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
I grew up without yes i can
AnukBinary · M
Yes cause I've done it


bijouxbroussard · F
It would be a huge adjustment, I admit. It would be like going back to 8 track tapes after having an iPod. Or going back to videotapes after streaming apps.