If you are buying a House, the back look at first... then the bathrooms...🤔
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FallenOptimist22 · M
are you an out of work real estate agent?
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
It depends on where it's located and how close the neighbors are.
therichguy · 26-30, M
neighbors are close enough (you can see in the picture)
neighbors are close enough (you can see in the picture)
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
I see.No fkn way it's worth 2 mil.Put some land around me (and a long ass private road) then, maybe.
therichguy · 26-30, M
@gurlwatcher22: I thought the same too
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Looks like crap