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Why do some women support Donald Trump?

Like I can get it (even tho it's hard for me) why some men can support him.
But women?
On multiple occasions he's proven to be misogynistic and sexist.
Tbh the entire republican platform is sexist (with abortion and all) but he's even more sexist than most of them.
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AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F Best Comment
Oh come on. Donald Duck has half a brain cell.. what do you expect from his supporters? 😏
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
@AnonymousJSS: C'mon Hillary wasn't bad. I didn't like her too much but it'd be cool to have our first woman pres.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@jollufuxer: Yeah I would much rather have her than an orange buffoon with hamster hair to be our president.
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
@AnonymousJSS: Lmao then you shoulda voted for her. I'm in Michigan and it's ppl who didn't vote for her and voted for Jill Stein or some shit that gave Trump my state.

Levyyy · M
Probably because they want what is best for the country.

Abortion is murder. You don't get to kill babies because it is convenient for you. Protecting life is not exclusively a female issue. I think killing innocent helpless babies is a bad thing. Maybe I'm the weird one.
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@puck61: Shes a kid who doesn't know any better. They'll learn the hard way then.

@jollufuxer By something different you mean 48% called for more of the same shit? We don't even know if she actually won the popular vote because of voter fraud. Its been proven that it was going on her end.

As for transgenders. If you believe you are something you aren't there is something wrong with you. If I suddenly say I'm a dolphin does that make me one? No you would say I was nuts.

I am for equality of everyone but that means that LGBT doesn't dictate to us what we believe and call us haters and bigots for believing what we believe and that is what they are trying to do. Kinda like what you're doing right now. You're calling almost half of America all those nasty labels you like to throw around. Now we all do have to support him because if he fails we fail.
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
@Jason9478: No. I don't support his actions. In my views he's already failed multiple times. And you've called more people brainwashed than I've called bigots (more people did vote for clinton). And I do agree with voter fraud. We really don't know the correct numbers because unf Republicans have made it very hard to vote if you're in a area where there are a lot of minorities. Also the Russian hackers played a huge role. So ya I agree with you on voter fraud.

But in all reality, Trump is not my president. His executive orders are dismantling our democracy. We need him out. Down with Trump!
MartinII · 70-79, M
Because many people vote according to policies rather than personalities or politicians' behaviour. And many women do not support abortion.
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aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
@Greenbare: If by wise up you mean open my legs for Trump I think I won't do that.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
No words to express how hypocritical and stupid you seem.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Greenbare: So this woman you mentioned basically spoke about rights women already have?

She said Trump cares that women have a job, that women get to keep the money they earn, that women have a right to speak their mind, that women have good homes and good families, that women have rights to safety in public toilets, etc., etc., etc. All the women in the crowd, about half the crowd, stood up and cheered.

None of those things can Trump help with because they already have those rights, fought for over the course of many many years by folks with liberal leanings.
Depends on their situation. He promised to help a lot of families who are struggling and everyone wants what's best for their family first and foremost
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
no brains... no education... no understanding of the things around them and how they work.
no experience, no ability, no capacity.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
I agree
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aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
erects brow... what's that go to do with anything?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
come on you're throwing around those two words everywhere you go 😂
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@jollufuxer: nah you're just doing it because it makes you feel better than everyone else mate 😂
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst: Uhhh not rly fam
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@jollufuxer: right, fam :P
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
Because their political ideology is more important to them than the respect they have for themselves or their gender. They also want a strong daddy figure who they believe is going to look after them. Either way they are weak and submissive.
Some people are winners, and some people are losers. Right now losers are complaining about Trump who is genuinely more concerned about women and minorities than Barak O Hollywood ever was. Trump will do more for women and minorities, and many varmints will continue to hate him anyway.
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
If by concerned about women you mean horny and wanting some pussy then yes I agree with you.
popmol · 26-30, M
i think the abortion thing is not about the woman its baout the child and the life thingy. adnt he fact that if you screw up you have to face the consequences
aaaapapapa · 22-25, F
And your kid has to face the consequences too?
popmol · 26-30, M
aah thats where my problem is. what if its because you are poor you don't want the child and thats what i understand and being raped i think its legal to do it then but if you have the money and you just don't want the child there are options to give it away but just saying neigh fuck this human being growing in my body. i'm not sure
eMortal · M
Because those women don't mind random pussy grabbing.

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