ProudAlaskan · 61-69, M
I have seen soooo many in soooo many people. Serious. But people have issues no matter who they are. In all though I find that people who are addicted to anything, illegal drugs, prescribed drugs, drinking and whatever else falls in that category. People that would steal from you to get they're next fix. Talk about knowing how bad it is for themselves and yet refuse to change.
Don't get me wrong either. I have done more than my share of anything, but I have never gotten addicted to anything! I quit drinking even.
I find it sad when people mix whatever personality disorder they may have with an addiction.
So I consider addiction just as bad as any disorder. Moderation, sure, but such an easy term is such a hard act to follow for so many.
Don't get me wrong either. I have done more than my share of anything, but I have never gotten addicted to anything! I quit drinking even.
I find it sad when people mix whatever personality disorder they may have with an addiction.
So I consider addiction just as bad as any disorder. Moderation, sure, but such an easy term is such a hard act to follow for so many.
ForeverOnMyGuard · 22-25, F
BPD. Can't be treated with medicine and causes impulsive and uncontrolled behaviour.
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dodgergurl12 · 31-35, F
Perhaps narcissism

banana sharks personality disorder

Paranoid personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Thodsis · 51-55, M
Fussy eating.
Cosreal · 36-40
::sigh:: anyone who uses their "disorder" as an excuse or a crutch to behave like a gigantic ass.
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coolboy86 · 36-40, M
bipolar probably when a woman I was with would call me by a different name I thought she was fucking around but she was sick