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Why are PMs so awkward ?

Probably because you don't know where the conversation may go, or what the other persons intentions are.
dudes cant be askin for pics of boobs within first five mins of conversation LOL
SailorMarz · F
Only the ones who starts with "hi, how r u"
tynamite · 31-35, M
Because they never get to the point in the beginning or they never bring anything interesting to the conversation.
i just met you, this sounds crazy, heres my number...... you better #@$%#$ call me or I'll stalk the hell outta you. LOL
tynamite · 31-35, M
Because one person makes all the effort in the conversation, and the other person makes hardly any.
Chrisredfeild · 46-50, M
I dont think so. Opens communications
wonderland63893 · 26-30, F
More boring than awkward
I'm lousy at PMs

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