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MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Whats going on?
Endlessecho · 26-30, M
I got back from a long trip about a month ago. Since then I was focused too much on the future and not on the present. I was withdrawing myself to my computer doing a lot of research. At the moment I'm focusing on becoming more active and close with other people. However the stressors I've been subject to still have gotten the best of my emotions. I just feel the need for some love and affection and company during the night when my thoughts and fears seem to be overwhelming. Today a girl that I had met recently cancelled on me and at the moment I held on too anything that gave me hope but then tonight I was just freaking out and crying. I have a mood disorder that makes things worse. I'm doing much better now after contacting a friend of mine that I'm now spending the night with. I still can't sleep but I feel comforted and not alone. Life can get crazy at times but I won't ever give up, I'm in a place of hope and happiness that I've never had before
Take a fresh breath out side. I hope, u feel better.