greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
It's an anonymous chat board so people can talk about all the things they usually hide from the world. It's given me a whole new respect for reticence and social inhibitions.
Jackson · 26-30, M
IDK am I the only one with none of those?

They come here to hopefully relate to others I guess.
I have neither...🤔 so where do I go?
clyson · 26-30, M
Welcome to Similar Worlds! 😂
Javik05 · 26-30, M
Because it's where the remnants of EP washed up
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
I can't speak for the weird fetishes, but I need place a mental health nut to relax and laugh.
Marcette88 · 36-40, F
Isn't that why you are here?
Mondayschild · F
we are mostly all from EP.
mrmoose · 70-79, M
just lucky
Gingerwithasoul · F
We are all a little mad these days more or less