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Is the little boy with the big American flag that said he hates social justice warriors a complete ass?

Or just half? Did my one sentence comment freak you out so much? What a moron
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
no he sounds sane to me
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Decembersong01: Lol i never attacked you child. Lol.
My many apologies master. I took your ability to pity me although you did not empathize with me...was that it. I should look it up as an attack which it isn't. I am on a phone fighting off many of you at one time. You should learn to "Master" empathy for those you pity... Being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes (so to speak) is uniquely human. How can we grow as a race. (not the white race but the human one)Without empathy.
@MasterLee: I live in Vegas so it's pretty early here but I have to get up and work tomorrow...It's a great job in a great town...(you don't really have to pity me all that much), Master.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
To be fair, there's so much about social justice warriors to hate.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Decembersong01: And...?
@Sicarium: and just for the record, I am not perpetually offended. I call you a fag because you act like a closet case. With the batman pic and the scarf covering your face... It's sort of effeminate.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Decembersong01: You have taken the stupid to a whole new level. Congrats. But I'm loving the irony of a homophobic SJW.
Tell what do u hate.. To make that statement
@Decembersong01: Why does it matter why he thinks? lol
My vote would be a complete one, especially if he's proud to be a social injustice warrior.
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@MalteseFalconPunch: Ok. well thanks for having a human convo. with me!
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Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Decembersong01: Reason #311 to hate social justice warriors: They categorize people with asinine assumptions after their idiocy has been exposed, usually while whining about labels and not judging people.
@Sicarium:first of all you verbal genius. I was doing all of this from a phone. I was genuinely asking about the term. I did have a good convo. w. someone if you scroll up. AND, I did read. I still have to read more about this but as of now I can say that I am not a SJW at all. But I still have no tolerance for people who whine and whine claiming they are angry about people who whine....Sort of like, well, you!
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Decembersong01: You are one confused little mind, aren't you? Tell you what, go decide what it is you believe and come back when you can't blame your phone. And BTW, I'm on a phone too, and not angry. But nice try. But I do believe you when you say you have no tolerance.

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