LadyGrace · 70-79
Love that photo. You look like such a sweet guy. 👍

You look sweet. There would be many people more than happy to have you on their arm.
SpicyEnchiladas · 26-30, F

You're very attractive.
TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
Thank you. :)
Bastard · 26-30, M
I'd do ya.
TheWlflower · 26-30, F
Attractive, you look younger than your age range though.
TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
That explains a lot. :)
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Lies. I just ran you through Google images. Who are you? Paulina, or Abe??🙄
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TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
@Headlines: I've got no clue what you're on about. Here's more proof its me: 

@TheFakeSlimShady: I was defending you LOL
TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
@Headlines: Sorry, I tagged the wrong person. :)
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Meh average
TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
Well, I'm not the REAL slim shady, am I?
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Na pretty average
LaFemmeAmelie · 31-35, F
Handsome, in a boyish/cute sort of way!

I approve this 👌😏
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
You look completely normal but skinny jeans? Really dude?😲
TheFakeSlimShady · 31-35, M
It's the fleece I'm wearing that makes my jeans look skinny. It's pretty baggy on me.
Looks good. Average yes. But cute.
You'll be surprised at what just a little work can do.
And confidence is always sexy.
You'll be surprised at what just a little work can do.
And confidence is always sexy.
666Maggotz · F
You look average. Not ugly, just nothing special.