{ "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "@ScreaminDemon\n\nOf-course you do. That's because most women have no work ethic.\n\nhttps://www.mgtow.com/forums/topic/divorce-advice-2/ https://www.mgtow.com/forums/topic/divorce-advice-2/", "headline": "Ex-wife of $273 million lottery winner does not want him back: 'I have morals'", "url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ex-wife-273-million-lottery-winner-not-want-back-morals-191620847.html", "timestamp": "Sat Mar 09 13:06:45 UTC 2019" }, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "Nothing new.", "headline": "Donald Trump signs Bibles as he meets with Alabama tornado victims", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/postid/d0156de1-843a-3800-96ed-a9f3f62f8494", "timestamp": "Sat Mar 09 01:23:37 UTC 2019"
}, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "And now, he will be shamed because of his race. Say goodbye to reelection, Tim.", "headline": "Republicans Sink Trump Judicial Nominee Hostile To Black Voters' Rights", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-sink-trump-judicial-nominee-224920688.html", "timestamp": "Fri Nov 30 00:35:41 UTC 2018"