{ "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "Americans and their guns. How pathetic.", "headline": "Walmart is selling shotgun shell holiday lights, and people on social media are not happy", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/walmart-selling-shotgun-shell-holiday-lights-people-social-media-not-happy-181736060.html", "timestamp": "Mon Nov 12 05:04:42 UTC 2018" }, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "The ammosexuals continue their daily gun worship, as usual.\n\nMURICA!!!", "headline": "Walmart is selling shotgun shell holiday lights, and people on social media are not happy", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/walmart-selling-shotgun-shell-holiday-lights-people-social-media-not-happy-181736060.html", "timestamp": "Mon Nov 12 05:02:38 UTC 2018" }, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "He's being paid to do it.", "headline": "93-year-old woman evacuated from California wildfire by garbageman", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/93-year-old-woman-evacuated-california-wildfire-garbageman-191222230.html", "timestamp": "Sun Nov 11 23:54:42 UTC 2018" }, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "Nothing \"good\" about it. That was his job.", "headline": "93-year-old woman evacuated from California wildfire by garbageman", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/93-year-old-woman-evacuated-california-wildfire-garbageman-191222230.html", "timestamp": "Sun Nov 11 23:54:21 UTC 2018" }, { "is_ranking_enabled": true, "user_text": "All problems are relative. You're a fool if you think this negates the suffering of other humans.", "headline": "12-year-old boy with cancer escorts his mother down the aisle", "url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/12-year-old-boy-cancer-escorts-mother-aisle-193433779.html", "timestamp": "Sun Nov 11 23:33:49 UTC 2018"