Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
A fridge/freezer.
You know where you'd set the old ones to defrost and it would take days ?
So having turned this thing off i figured i'd give it a little help just chipping some ice off here and there.
Shot straight through it ! Coolant everywhere ! Huge mess, £300+ for a new one !!
You know where you'd set the old ones to defrost and it would take days ?
So having turned this thing off i figured i'd give it a little help just chipping some ice off here and there.
Shot straight through it ! Coolant everywhere ! Huge mess, £300+ for a new one !!
mrgreeen · M
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
One of those mistakes you make only the once !
fairone · F
My life
mrgreeen · M
what did it cost and how did you break it?
fairone · F
@mrgreeen: To much to explain.. you will have to trust me in this one.
Christian · 26-30, M
My own xbox console, along with my kindle fire because I had an addiction to them. I could've sold them but this was the only way I could learn.
Christian · 26-30, M
My dad didn't force me neither. I did it by myself.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
An urn. I was a toddler and accidentally knocked it over. Oops.

V's heart
Silverfox420 · 36-40, F
I kill electronics, watches, touch screens...