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Have u ever been through a hurricane before ? 🌀

Here we go again.
Another hurricane.
Man I tell you.
This has to be like number 14, or 15. 😉
I have lost count.
But anyway this is the norm for us down Southeast US.
It's like watching a gambling machine in Vegas.
If you know what I mean.. 🎲
Have you ever been through or survived a real life
hurricane. Prayers for the families who have lost loved ones already. 🙏
Comments. 🤔

Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F Best Comment
Hugo was my first that I remember and by far the worst so far 💛🌻everybody stay safe
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Beautyinbroken I remember that one well. I live on NC and it messed up some western parts of the state. Rare for that part of the state to get one
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
@JohnnyNoir I was young but I definitely remember the damage it caused inland SC we was without power for I know 2weeks plus and couldn't even get out our driveway for days due to the damage my dad slept thru it lol but us girls didn't
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Beautyinbroken never had it that bad luckily. A bunch of us went to the Outer Banks just before one hit there about 20 years ago. We were fine, never lost power where we were staying and it moved thru in a day.

Carla · 61-69, F
I have. Hugo was my first. In charlotte. First storm recorded holding hurricane force that far inland.
Then, while living in wilmington, i went through three more. Can't recall the names...
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Carla I was in Charlotte a month or 2 after Hugo and the damage was still there
Carla · 61-69, F
@JohnnyNoir it was incredible. In one part, i can't even remember the neighborhood, live oaks laid about, roots up all over. It was sad.
I was building a neighborhood at the time, i drove out to check the damage. On my way, there were pine stands that were flattened. To me, it seemed like massive damage. Id never been through anything like it. My yard was trashed, trees down. My pickup was a victim of a huge limb.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Once long ago in Norfolk Virginia
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I've been a few. Not looking forward to possible flooding here in NC the next few days
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
@JohnnyNoir yes cause it's been raining here since last week off an on but downpours when it does so ground is already soft and waters are up not good
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
@Beautyinbroken not as rainy here but still worried about what that and winds will do. So far the forcast for our area is at least 6 inches. Some may get more. Stay safe!
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
@JohnnyNoir they saying double digits for us guess we will wait and see what happens stay safe too 💛🌻
eli1601 · 70-79, M
A few when I lived in CT. They were never really bad, though. They would hit Long Island first which would slow them down a bit.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@eli1601 I see.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
No I have not
newgirl · 56-60, F
Yes, but I was a child and I don't remember it, just heard stories from my parents.

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