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Massageman · 70-79, M
He'd make a good ad for birth control.

ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Umm, okay.
MethDozer · M
Yeah, it blows my mind how many people actually see him as a sort of different thinker/doer or even somewhat revolutionary. He's as status quo as it gets. It seems the old DNC guard got a real boost from the bar being lowered by Trump l.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard Trump's electorate hasn't expanded by one single voter since 2020. I'll argue that he even lost several (conservative women that will still appear in denial publicly, but that won't actually put the cross on the option that'll get themselves or their own daughters die of ectopic pregnancies or other pregnancy-related complications when actually inside the voting booth; and similarly, conservative men that fully understand the implication of Russia winning in Ukraine and moving against NATO, and that don't want to see themselves or their own sons being turned in ground meat in eastern Europe, or even Taiwan once China catches the opportunity of a war in Europe).

The only way Trump has to win is gaslighting the population that the alternative is "just as bad" and that it's not worth "wasting time" to vote so that his ~30% of hardcore fanatics will be sufficient to secure a relative majority in enough states, while at least another ~40% abstains. The same national and even more so international actors that pushed Trump are spinning this narrative too. And it seems quite effective all across the political spectrum, if you ask me.

For the record, I was quite critical of Biden before and at the beginning of the term. I would've hoped for Sanders to win in 2020 if not in 2016.
@Elessar In both primaries I voted for Sanders. I’m not afraid of the idea of someone who identifies as a Socialist Democrat being in power. But it terrifies many of my countrymen, even those who admit they’re not getting anywhere with the current system. And even being reasonably certain (as I’m sure they are) that socialism here, if it ever came about, would look nothing like what they fear.
MethDozer · M
@bijouxbroussard Yeah that's beyond my time. Not what I mean at all.
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