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honestly please tell me

Poll - Total Votes: 3
yes but i wont admit it....God will handle that in the end
yes i am and proud of long as theyre atleast 16 and I don't get caught in the 2 years before
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how many of you people on here are sick twisted child molesters?
Dude what the fuck kind of question is this? Nobody has time to deal with chomos. They all need to die. Painfully.
Hello1978 · 46-50, F
what is chomos?
@Hello1978: What you were asking if anybody was that.
The kids could probably tell us who might be,
who is coming on to them
trying their luck
Hello1978 · 46-50, F
they wont till it's too late
IchBin · 22-25, M
I'm about to choose the second one, since I'm not even 18 yet.
Hello1978 · 46-50, F
Well watch out for perverts on this site...ok..and don't give too much info about urself because that's what some people look for since ur still naïve.
adshaw · 36-40, M
Which public safety video did you spring from?
Hello1978 · 46-50, F
from the the figuring.

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