yllacsar · 46-50, M
The earth is far from destroyed kid......don't be so over-dramatic....
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yllacsar · 46-50, M
Going like what ?? What are the issues ??
prettylittleliar · F
Deforestation, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Plastic Production, there's so much more and it's all caused by humans..
yllacsar · 46-50, M
Well - that's nice - but pretty mis-directed .....the only real issue is mis-management of water.....if we fix THAT all those other superfluous concerns are resolved in the process...
im sure some will live there, but humans only living on mars and not earth? nah ...the technology required to live on mars could just as easily be used to survive on a fucked up earth. I think we are too arrogant to think we could destroy earth before it destroys us or we destroy each other
prettylittleliar · F
It's so sad to see the impact we have had on this world. The government could EASILY reverse the damage done with today's technology but they don't wanna lose money..