DisillusionedWaves · 26-30
Yeah, I really feel your experience there mostly depends on who you follow.
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
and it also depends on what you are interested in. its hard to find an account that has what you are interested and only that
yup. i follow only naruto blogs
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
im more into the accounts that post sunsets, buildings, people and scenery photos

you could say that about any website tbh. I've been on tumblr before and the truth is the majority of the people on there are just self righteous pricks. The decent accounts don't make the other accounts worth being around.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Which brings us to your question.
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F