Minus 1000, I'm lesbian
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😂Like you'll get an honest answer! Here's another can cracked open!
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
believe it or not (but don't ask the trenders or the sheeple) some people actually do not care what one does or is.
freedom baby.
weird how those who preach the hardest about humanity are the one's knocking it away, piece by piece with their inability to allow it for all, not just themselves.
freedom baby.
weird how those who preach the hardest about humanity are the one's knocking it away, piece by piece with their inability to allow it for all, not just themselves.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
Sheeple!! Yesh!! I also use/love that term! So fitting.. robot sheeple.. :D
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😉 I hear ya! Again, you know what I mean about this specific question...and you know I'm right! It WILL spark something...it's already starting!@sighmeupforthat:
Why would I be scared? What's he going to do? Hit me with his purse?
ManicMicah · 26-30, M
Okay, not all gay people are feminine and have purses. I know you were probably making a joke but still XD
@TheDarkestZero: Yes. I was joking. I actually have a few fierce and fabulous friends! They have pretty good senses of humor.
ManicMicah · 26-30, M
"Homophobic" would literally mean "fear of homosexuals" but most "homophobic" people aren't scared of gay people, they're just bigots who hate them. I for one am not homophobic because I am gay myself. So zero out of ten.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
Well said, sir!!
ManicMicah · 26-30, M
@WithClouds: Thank you!
Sharon · F
Minus infinity.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
1..... not at all
MrFoxx · 31-35, M
firefall · 61-69, M
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
homophobia is not a thing as it not not a phobia
WithClouds · 36-40, M
@WaterSpirit: Yes you can.. if (especially as a child) you are viciously attacked by a dog, you are very like to be afraid of dogs from then on.. And if someone (a parent, older sibling, friend, clergy member etc.) that you look up to, as a child, tells you that "gay" is "wrong" etc. etc. and tells you you will burn in hell for being bi or gay, that can and does scare the shit out of kids.. which is hard to reverse...
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
yes a tragic experience can do that but it is not a phobia. as phobia's are a disorder and it is not a medical thing as most phobias a therapist can treat you for as it is a medical condition but hating gays is not a medical condition it is more a derogatory term to categorise a behaviour of some people
WithClouds · 36-40, M
... okay. I give in. No further comment. >_>
sunsetsoareomyofavourite · 26-30, F
I am not homophobic. I support this with all my heart
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i like that number... for many associations.
weird how 'phobic' is used, actually the word is accurate... people do have phobias they can't seem to get a grip on. even this.
but most who use it don't seem to understand that it's not a phobia it's bigotry.
a homophobic wouldn't be hateful towards but fearful about.
i like that number... for many associations.
weird how 'phobic' is used, actually the word is accurate... people do have phobias they can't seem to get a grip on. even this.
but most who use it don't seem to understand that it's not a phobia it's bigotry.
a homophobic wouldn't be hateful towards but fearful about.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
The hatred is culled from a deeply ingrained fear, I believe..
WithClouds · 36-40, M
One, or zero if I can say that..
NakedLezzie · 26-30, F
Spitbak · 56-60, M
😟Are you really naked?

Not even one.
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Abbyrose · 22-25, F
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the term homophobic is designed to insult anyone that doesn't like the homo's way of life..its a meaningless term..
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
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SpeckOfIrishDust · 22-25, F
What constitutes a "PC nitwit" in your book?
WithClouds · 36-40, M
politically correct nitwit
lolWHAT. Dude. Fuck your politics.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
@dunpender: Okay, perverts are a totally different subject, sir.. Not all gays are pervs. By far.
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@WithClouds: why not? i know a lot of homosexual people who are very joyous?

@dunpender: you're an attention whore, nobody likes you.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
@sighmeupforthat: D'oh > .< I walked right into that one..