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Prayers of the lost soul

mithi-aa tan Dhan kutamb sabaa-i-aa.
False are body, wealth, and all relations.

mithi-aa ha-umai mamtaa maa-i-aa.
False are ego, possessiveness and Maya.

mithi-aa raaj joban Dhan maal.
False are power, youth, wealth and property.

mithi-aa kaam kroDh bikraal.
False are sexual desire and wild anger.

mithi-aa rath hastee asav bastaraa.
False are chariots, elephants, horses and expensive clothes.

mithi-aa rang sang maa-i-aa paykh hastaa.
False is the love of gathering wealth, and reveling in the sight of it.

mithi-aa Dharoh moh abhimaan.
False are deception, emotional attachment and egotistical pride.

mithi-aa aapas oopar karat gumaan.
False are pride and self-conceit.

mithi-aa sarvan par nindaa suneh.
False are the ears which listen to the slander of others.

mithi-aa hasat par darab ka-o hireh.
False are the hands which steal the wealth of others.

mithi-aa naytar paykhat par tari-a roopaad.
False are the eyes which gaze upon the beauty of another's wife.

mithi-aa rasnaa bhojan an savaad.
False is the tongue which enjoys delicacies and external tastes.

mithi-aa charan par bikaar ka-o Dhaaveh.
False are the feet which run to do evil to others.

mithi-aa man par lobh lubhaaveh.
False is the mind which covets the wealth of others.

mithi-aa tan nahee par-upkaaraa.
False is the body which does not do good to others.

mithi-aa baas layt bikaaraa.
False is the nose which inhales corruption.

bin boojhay mithi-aa sabh bha-ay.
Without understanding, everything is false.

birthee saakat kee aarjaa.
The life of the faithless cynic is totally useless.

saach binaa kah hovat soochaa.
Without the Truth, how can anyone be pure?
SW-User Best Comment

This sounds buddhist
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
@Temporallube It's Sikh
@rrraksamam thanks. Didn’t know Sikh also share ideas about the maya like buddhism.

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