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Terrell Owens gets harassed by a Karen....your thoughts ?

For those of you who don't know a Karen can be a man or a woman who tries to get a rise out of people by harassing them with false or ridiculous claims. This video has been viewed millions of times by the world this week. Now if you may, just take a listen to the dialogue going on here. Its shocking but its not really shocking. This is the reality that many people of color have to deal with. And this is only one video here as there are so many others. What do you think about this ?
Anything goes. Tell us how you feel please. Best answer will win. 🙂

Imsleepy · 31-35 Best Comment
Seems like pretty blatant racism to me. Dr. Richey brought up a good point. If she was afraid, why did she approach him in the first place?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Imsleepy I agree. 🙂

spjennifer · 61-69, T
There is racism on both of their parts here, Owens is a well known jerk and the woman is being one too but calling her a "Karen" is racist too.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Zonuss I'm quite certain that everyone in that neighbourhood is well aware that TO lives there, how is accusing him of speeding going to ruin his life? It's pretty much she said/he said and his "reputation" was made a long time ago, he doesn't have much to worry about.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@spjennifer I would never expect for someone like you to understand.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Zonuss 🥴
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’ve never heard a non white woman referred to as a Karen.
I consider it a racially charged put down,
TO didn’t deserve that at all.
Lostpoet · M
Is this an SNL skit?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet No you dodo bird. 🙂
Lostpoet · M
@Zonuss It looks like a stupid show to me

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